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This campaign provides a perfect choice for State and National progressive. The only way we can make progress on the gun violence that claims 30,000 Americans a year is to stand up against the NRA and its extremist allies and make them lose elections.
My opponent sadly is one.
My opponent has sought out the support of the National Rifle Association, receiving an 'A' rating and an endorsement from that group before the last election, in 2012. Less than a year later, she showed the NRA they had made a smart choice, when she voted against Governor Dan Malloy's bipartisan gun violence prevention legislation. And as the radical right has viciously attacked our governor on this issue, my opponent has stayed silent, refusing to renounce the dangerous extremism that is the NRA. We make her record on guns clear here.
This might well be enough for my opponent to deserve defeat. However while this campaign is clearly out to send a message on gun violence. It is about more than guns. This district, like many around the country is a complete and total gerrymander, grabbing four towns and using a piece of one merely to connect the other two. The map is here.
Image may be NSFW.
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The intent behind this was to completely entrench my opponent and thus deny the voters a choice. The problem we face in our democracy can often be seen as the result of too little. Not just too little choice in candidates but too little choice in policy options and too little choice in ways of thinking. Incumbents who know they can never be defeated are liberated from the pressure of accountability and as a result, we end up with poor outcomes. The Congress is as screwed up as it is in large part because so many members need never fear defeat. Giving the voter a choice matters.
My opponent also has joined with too many Democrats in this state in weakening our campaign finance law.
We here in Connecticut were conducting a grand experiment in public financing of elections. It is an experiment that the country is depending on for success. This most recent cowardly retreat and cave in to special interests will only feed the cynicism about government that Republicans depend on to be successful. We need to break the chains of that cynicism by sticking to our principles.
In less than 80 days, the Democratic voters of Colchester, Lebanon, Mansfield, and Windham will have the chance to choose between an NRA Crony and Capitol Insider or a forward looking progressive activist who'll work tirelessly for their interests. You all can help them make the right choice. One way I can use the community's help is to show support for our effort on Democracy for America.
It was an activist home of mine in college and it would be meaningful to show progressive support now.
Thank you all and I will stick around for questions.